Our Moringa Tea Range
From Africa with Love
Energizing Moringa Leaf Tea

The story of our teas express the true African spirit of giving….life giving nutrients. Throughout history, from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to Indian Ayurvedic Medicine and modern day Africa, Moringa has been known to treat up to 300 ailments. For centuries from the smallest village to the largest cities, Moringa, along with other indigenous herbs, have been traditionally used medicinally from the youngest to the oldest of the family, utilizing it’s time honored properties. In the Moringa tree Mother Nature has packaged a medicinal and nutritional powerhouse! Ancient nutritional wisdom for a modern world.
What is interesting is that Moringa contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds and has been proven to help balance blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance and lower blood pressure, making it very useful for diabetics. Naturally caffeine-free, it is not just “lekker”, but also very good for your immune system!
Moringa Leaf Tea with Rooibos Chai

Our nutrient rich African Moringa and Rooibos mix is married with traditional warm aromatic Indian spices, to create this unique Afro Indian blend. Similar to the traditional Indian spices, Rooibos has been part of the indigenous culture and medicinal heritage of the Khoisan people of South Africa for centuries. This Moringa Rooibos Chai blend is a heart warming flavourful fusion packed with nutrients, anti oxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Like Moringa, Rooibos also contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds and both have been proven to help balance blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance and lower blood pressure, making it very useful for diabetics. Both are also very helpful for constipation. Naturally caffeine-free, it is not just “lekker”, but also very good for your immune system!
Enjoy a true taste of Afro Asian Fusion!
Moringa Leaf Tea with Lemongrass & Ginger

This authentic subtle, soothing West African blend is traditionally served after a meal as it de-oderizes the intestinal tract. We have delicately paired Moringa leaf tea with Ginger and Lemongrass, used by ancient Ayurvedics of India to improve “the digestive fire”. Widely used as traditional medicine in many cultures, these combined ingredients work synergistically, powerfully and effectively to rebalance the intestinal flora, whilst preserving the beneficial bacteria. This indigenous tea is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and African flavour.
Moringa Leaf Tea with Buchu, Hibiscus & Spearmint

In this authentic African blend we combine Moringa leaf tea with Buchu, which has been part of the indigenous culture and medicinal heritage of the Khoisan people of South Africa for centuries. Wild harvested and culturally treasured, Buchu is unique to the Western Cape of South Africa, we have also added to this blend the much loved African Hibiscus and Spearmint to add a unique African flavour and extra nutrients for the whole family.
Our new Moringa Cape Buchu & Hibiscus tea has a menthol, slightly floral and slight tart taste with a Rose hue. Moringa, Buchu as well as Hibiscus contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds and act as a digestive tonic to relieve stomach ailments, nausea, diarrhoea and flatulence. Buchu is a natural diuretic helping the body flush out harmful toxins.
As an antispasmodic Buchu helps with stomach cramps, period cramps, urinary tract infections and cystitis. Moringa and Hibiscus are also known to both lower blood pressure.
*Buchu is safe in recommended doses. Avoid drinking this tea during pregnancy.
Merci Buchu!
Moringa Leaf Tea with Honeybush, Fennel & Lemon Myrtle

In this authentic African blend we have paired Moringa with Honeybush, Fennel & Australian Lemon Myrtle to give you a refreshing naturally sweet & flavourful herbal tea with a tasteful lemony note. Honeybush with it’s woody and honey undertones is a close cousin of Rooibos and there are many similarities between the two. Honeybush is grown primarily in the Western Cape and Southeastern Cape of South Africa. This lesser known and treasured indigenous herb, like Rooibos, is low in tannins and rich in antioxidants and various minerals. The low tannins allow a longer steep time without causing any bitter taste.
Both Moringa and Honeybush contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds and both have been proven to help balance blood sugar levels which makes it a useful herbal tea for diabetics.
The plant estrogens in Honeybush mimic the effect of the female hormone estrogen in the body to help regulate the menstrual cycle, ease premenstrual cramping, and soothe menopausal symptoms.
Honeybush eases nervous tension and anxiety. A cup of honeybush tea before bed can help you sleep.
Enjoy a true taste of Africa!